【同义词辨析】 2020-07-27 明确explicit-specific

explicit: implies such verbal plainness and distinctness that there is no need for inference and no reason for ambiguity or difficulty in understanding: the dress code is ~.     plain语言浅显    (distinct明显implies such a sharpness of outline or definition that no unusual effort to see hear, comprehend is required十分清晰显而易见,如distinct improvement/pronunciation/voice明显进步/清晰发音/嗓音)

express: implies both explicitness and direct and forceful utterance: her ~ will was to be cremated.

specific: applies to what is precisely and fully referred to or treated in detail or particular: two ~ criticisms of the proposal.     in detail=detailed详细具体,又如a detailed account详细具体的叙述,a detailed problem千头万绪的问题   in particular具体,和in detail同义,更强调具体

definite: stresses precise, clear statement or arrangement that leaves no uncertainty or indecision: the law is ~ regarding to this case.  uncertainty, indecision含义不显著,未译出   arrange安排   (definite就是clear, 就像specific就是detailed,请死记)  

explicit明确: 指语言浅显清晰歧义不难理解无需推理,express明确表示: 指既明确又直接有力表达,specific具体: 指具体说明,specific清晰: 指清楚说明,不留疑问

记忆方法: 1)首字母刚好是SEED种子<==明确

         2)明确的意思是意思清晰mean perfectly clear in meaning.     clear清楚清晰implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness指没有云雾泥,如clear water清澈的水,如clear meaning意思清晰